Economic Security and Diplomacy Act of 2024: H. R. 10100

H. R. 10100

“Economic Security and Diplomacy Act of 2024”.

“To amend the State Department Basic Authorities Act to establish a Deputy Secretary of State for Economic Security, redesignate and relocate other offices of the Department of State, and for other purposes. …”

Introduced in House (11/05/2024)

2d Session

H. R. 10100

To amend the State Department Basic Authorities Act to establish a Deputy Secretary of State for Economic Security, redesignate and relocate other offices of the Department of State, and for other purposes.


November 5, 2024

Mr. Moolenaar 

introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs


To amend the State Department Basic Authorities Act to establish a Deputy Secretary of State for Economic Security, redesignate and relocate other offices of the Department of State, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the “Economic Security and Diplomacy Act of 2024”.

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Ensuring a Save and Healthy Climate for Future Generations, and thus to Restore the Climate: H.R. 1563

H. RES. 1563 Ensuring a Save and Healthy Climate for Future Generations, and thus to Restore the Climate:

ia Senate passed SR–34,
becoming the first State to pass a resolution formally
recognizing an obligation to future generations to restore
the atmospheric CO2 concentration to a safe level,… and calling for action by the Federal Government, in the form of an
international climate treaty,
torestore and stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations as a common climate goal,,,’…”

ensuring a safe and healthy climate for future generations, and thus
to restoring the climate

“…the urgent action needed to restore a safe climate
is consistent with H. Res. 975, introduced in 2022, and
H. Res. 259, introduced in 2023, which are resolutions
that recognize the mental health impacts of recurrent climate-related disasters on youth, a group especially vulnerable to the physical and mental health impacts of climate-related disasters, and the far greater suffering
young people and future generations will endure if the
climate continues to worsen; and
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•HRES 1563 IH
Whereas, on July 3, 2023, the California Senate passed SR–
34, becoming the first State to pass a resolution formally
recognizing an obligation to future generations to restore
the atmospheric CO2 concentration to a safe level, below
300 ppm, and calling for action by the Federal Government, in the form of an international climate treaty, to
restore and stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations as a
common climate goal: Now, therefore, be it. ,,,”