Strategic Homeland Intelligence and Enforcement Legislation to Defend against the CCP Act or the SHIELD Against CCP Act: H.R. 9668

H.R. 9668:
To establish in the Department of Homeland Security a working group
relating to countering terrorist, cybersecurity, border and port security,
and transportation security threats posed to the United States by the
Chinese Communist Party, and for other purposes.

2D SESSION H. R. 9668
To establish in the Department of Homeland Security a working group
relating to countering terrorist, cybersecurity, border and port security,
and transportation security threats posed to the United States by the
Chinese Communist Party, and for other purposes.
SEPTEMBER 18, 2024
Mr. STRONG (for himself and Mr. SUOZZI) introduced the following bill; which
was referred to the Committee on Homeland Security, and in addition to
the Committees on Ways and Means, Financial Services, the Judiciary,
and Foreign Affairs, for a period to be subsequently determined by the
Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within
the jurisdiction of the committee concerned
To establish in the Department of Homeland Security a
working group relating to countering terrorist, cybersecurity, border and port security, and transportation security threats posed to the United States by the Chinese
Communist Party, and for other purposes.
1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
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2 This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Strategic Homeland
3 Intelligence and Enforcement Legislation to Defend
4 against the CCP Act’’ or the ‘‘SHIELD Against CCP
5 Act’’.
10 (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days
11 after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Sec12 retary of Homeland Security shall establish in the
13 Department of Homeland Security a working group
14 (in this section referred to as the ‘‘Working
15 Group’’), which shall carry out the duties specified
16 in subsection (b) relating to countering terrorist, cy17 bersecurity, border and port security, and transpor18 tation security threats posed to the United States by
19 the Chinese Communist Party.
20 (2) DIRECTOR.—
21 (A) APPOINTMENT.—The head of the
22 Working Group shall be a Director (in this sec23 tion referred to as the ‘‘Director’’), who shall be
24 appointed by the Secretary of Homeland Secu25 rity.
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1 (B) REPORTING.—The Director shall re2 port to the Secretary of Homeland Security re3 garding all administrative, operational, and se4 curity matters of the Working Group.
5 (3) STAFFING.—The Secretary of Homeland
6 Security shall ensure the Working Group is provided
7 with the following:
8 (A) A sufficient number of employees to
9 perform required duties.
10 (B) Not fewer than one employee dedicated
11 to ensuring compliance with privacy laws and
12 regulations.
13 (4) DETAILEES.—The Working Group may ac14 cept and employ detailees with expertise in coun15 tering terrorist, cybersecurity, border and port secu16 rity, and transportation security threats posed by
17 the Chinese Communist Party to the United States,
18 or in related fields, from any element of the intel19 ligence community or any other Federal agency the
20 Director determines appropriate, with or without re21 imbursement, consistent with applicable laws and
22 regulations regarding such employees.
23 (b) DUTIES.—The Working Group shall carry out the
24 following:
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1 (1) Examine, assess, and report upon efforts by
2 the Department of Homeland Security to counter
3 terrorist, cybersecurity, border and port security,
4 and transportation security threats posed to the
5 United States by the Chinese Communist Party, in6 cluding efforts to counter the Chinese Communist
7 Party’s—
8 (A) nontraditional tactics and exploitation
9 of the United States immigration system
10 through—
11 (i) identity theft;
12 (ii) the immigrant and nonimmigrant
13 visa processes;
14 (iii) unlawful border crossings;
15 (iv) human smuggling; and
16 (v) human trafficking;
17 (B) predatory economic and trade prac18 tices, including the trafficking of counterfeit
19 and pirated goods, the use of forced labor, labor
20 exploitation for financial gain, customs fraud,
21 and theft of intellectual property and tech22 nology; and
23 (C) direct or indirect support for
24 transnational criminal organizations trafficking
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1 in fentanyl, illicit drug precursors, or other con2 trolled substances through—
3 (i) the United States border;
4 (ii) international mail shipments; or
5 (iii) express consignment operations.
6 (2) Account for the resources of the Depart7 ment that are dedicated to programs aimed at coun8 tering terrorist, cybersecurity, border and port secu9 rity, and transportation security threats posed to the
10 United States by the Chinese Communist Party, and
11 any supporting information as to the efficacy of each
12 such program.
13 (3) Build upon existing or ongoing evaluations
14 and avoid unnecessary duplication by reviewing the
15 findings, conclusions, and recommendations of other
16 appropriate working groups, committees, commis17 sions, or entities established by the Department re18 lated to efforts to counter terrorist, cybersecurity,
19 border and port security, and transportation security
20 threats posed to the United States by the Chinese
21 Communist Party.
22 (4) Identify gaps in policies, processes, and ac23 tivities of the Department to respond to terrorist,
24 cybersecurity, border and port security, and transVerDate Nov 24 2008 14:49 Dec 02, 2024 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 C:\USERS\MAECKSTEIN\APPDATA\ROAMING\SOFTQUAD\XMETAL\11.0\GEN\C\HR9668
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1 portation security threats posed to the United States
2 by the Chinese Communist Party.
3 (5) Facilitate cooperation and coordination
4 among offices and components of the Department on
5 a holistic response to countering terrorist, cybersecu6 rity, border and port security, and transportation se7 curity threats posed to the United States by the Chi8 nese Communist Party.
10 SHARING.—The Working Group shall review, in coordina11 tion with the Office of Intelligence and Analysis of the De12 partment of Homeland Security, information relating to
13 terrorist, cybersecurity, border and port security, and
14 transportation security threats posed to the United States
15 by the Chinese Communist Party that is gathered by Fed16 eral, State, local, Tribal, and territorial partners, and the
17 National Network of Fusion Centers, and incorporate such
18 information, as appropriate, into the Working Group’s
19 own information relating to such threats. The Working
20 Group, in coordination with the Office of Intelligence and
21 Analysis, shall also ensure the dissemination to Federal,
22 State, local, Tribal, and territorial partners, and the Na23 tional Network of Fusion Centers, of information related
24 to such threats.
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1 (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days
2 after the date of the enactment of this section and
3 annually thereafter for five years, the Secretary of
4 Homeland Security, in coordination with the Under
5 Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis of the De6 partment of Homeland Security, the Director of the
7 Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Director of
8 National Intelligence, shall submit to the appro9 priate congressional committees a report that as10 sesses terrorist, cybersecurity, border and port secu11 rity, and transportation security threats posed to the
12 United States by the Chinese Communist Party dur13 ing the immediately preceding 12 months.
14 (2) CONTENTS.—Each assessment under para15 graph (1) shall also include the following:
16 (A) A description of the activities and op17 erations of the Working Group undertaken pur18 suant to subsection (b).
19 (B) Any other matters the Secretary of
20 Homeland Security determines relevant.
21 (3) FORM.—Each assessment under paragraph
22 (1) shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may
23 include a classified annex. The Secretary of Home24 land Security shall post on a publicly available
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1 website of the Department of Homeland Security the
2 unclassified portion of each assessment.
3 (4) BRIEFING.—Not later than 30 days after
4 the submission of each assessment under paragraph
5 (1), the Secretary of Homeland Security shall pro6 vide to the appropriate congressional committees a
7 briefing on such assessment and the progress and
8 challenges of the Working Group.
10 than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act,
11 the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit
12 to the appropriate congressional committees a report on
13 the implementation of this section.
14 (f) RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT.—Not later than
15 one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the
16 Secretary of Homeland Security, in coordination with the
17 Director and the Under Secretary for Science and Tech18 nology of the Department of Homeland Security, shall, to
19 the extent practicable, carry out research and develop20 ment, including operational testing, of technologies and
21 techniques for enhancing the Department’s security and
22 situational awareness relating to countering terrorist, cy23 bersecurity, border and port security, and transportation
24 security threats posed to the United States by the Chinese
25 Communist Party.
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1 (g) IMPLEMENTATION.—All activities carried out
2 pursuant to this section—
3 (1) shall be carried out in accordance with ap4 plicable constitutional, privacy, civil rights, and civil
5 liberties protections; and
6 (2) may not infringe upon the lawful exercise of
7 free speech by United States persons.
8 (h) SUNSET.—The Working Group shall terminate on
9 the date that is seven years after the establishment of the
10 Working Group under subsection (a)(1).
11 (i) DEFINITIONS.—In this section:
12 (1) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT13 TEES.—The term ‘‘appropriate congressional com14 mittees’’ means—
15 (A) in the House of Representatives—
16 (i) the Committee on Homeland Secu17 rity;
18 (ii) the Committee on Ways and
19 Means;
20 (iii) the Committee on Financial Serv21 ices;
22 (iv) the Committee on the Judiciary;
23 and
24 (v) the Committee on Foreign Affairs;
25 and
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1 (B) in the Senate—
2 (i) the Committee on Homeland Secu3 rity and Governmental Affairs;
4 (ii) the Committee on Banking, Hous5 ing, and Urban Affairs;
6 (iii) the Committee on Finance;
7 (iv) the Committee on the Judiciary;
8 and
9 (v) the Committee on Foreign Rela10 tions.
11 (2) FUSION CENTER.—The term ‘‘fusion cen12 ter’’ has the meaning given such term in subsection
13 (k) of section 210A of the Homeland Security Act
14 of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 124h).
16 ‘‘intelligence community’’ has the meaning given
17 such term in section 3(4) of the National Security
18 Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3003(4)).
19 (4) NATIONAL NETWORK OF FUSION CEN20 TERS.—The term ‘‘National Network of Fusion Cen21 ters’’ means a decentralized arrangement of fusion
22 centers intended to enhance individual State and
23 urban area fusion centers’ ability to leverage the ca24 pabilities and expertise of all such fusion centers for
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1 the purpose of enhancing analysis and homeland se2 curity information sharing nationally.
4 ‘‘United States person’’ has the meaning given such
5 term in section 1637(d)(10) of the Carl Levin and
6 Howard P. ‘‘Buck’’ McKeon National Defense Au7 thorization Act for Fiscal year 2015 (50 U.S.C.
8 1708(d)(10)).

DHS Special Events Program and Support Act: H.R. 6229

1ST SESSION H. R. 6229
To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to authorize a program
to assess the threat, vulnerability, and consequences of terrorism or
other security threats, as appropriate, to certain events, and for other
NOVEMBER 3, 2023
Ms. TITUS (for herself and Mr. HUDSON) introduced the following bill; which
was referred to the Committee on Homeland Security, and in addition to
the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions
as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned
To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to authorize
a program to assess the threat, vulnerability, and consequences of terrorism or other security threats, as appropriate, to certain events, and for other purposes.
1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
4 This Act may be cited as the ‘‘DHS Special Events
5 Program and Support Act’’.
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•HR 6229 IH
2 (a) IN GENERAL.—Subtitle H of title VIII of the
3 Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 451 et seq.)
4 is amended by adding at the end the following new section:
6 ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—There is authorized within the
7 Department a program to assess the threat, vulnerability,
8 and consequences of terrorism or other security threats,
9 as appropriate, at certain special events in accordance
10 with subsection (b).
11 ‘‘(b) REQUIREMENTS.—The program authorized
12 under subsection (a) shall—
13 ‘‘(1) apply to special events that are pre14 planned and not designated as National Special Se15 curity Events by the Secretary;
16 ‘‘(2) include a standard process for Federal,
17 State, local, Tribal, and territorial officials to volun18 tarily submit to the Secretary requests for a special
19 event rating that could result in direct support for
20 security and situational awareness for such special
21 event;
22 ‘‘(3) maintain a risk-based methodology to as23 sess ratings requests, including requests submitted
24 pursuant to paragraph (2), that considers the antici25 pated attendance by United States officials or for26 eign dignitaries, the size and venue of the special
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•HR 6229 IH
1 event, credible threats of terrorism or other security
2 threats, and other homeland security information, as
3 appropriate; and
4 ‘‘(4) include a process for expedited consider5 ation and, where appropriate, a process for the reas6 sessment, of a special event rating.
7 ‘‘(c) SUPPORT TO SPECIAL EVENTS.—For purposes
8 of protecting a special event described in subsection (b),
9 the Secretary may provide security and situational aware10 ness support to a Federal, State, local, Tribal, or terri11 torial official at the request of an appropriate Federal,
12 State, local, Tribal, or territorial official.
13 ‘‘(d) ANNUAL REPORTS.—Not later than one year
14 after the date of the enactment of this section and annu15 ally thereafter, the Secretary shall submit to the Com16 mittee on Homeland Security of the House of Representa17 tives and the Committee on Homeland Security and Gov18 ernmental Affairs of the Senate a report on the program
19 authorized under subsection (a). Each such report shall
20 include information relating to the following:
21 ‘‘(1) The total number of special events sub22 mitted to the program authorized under subsection
23 (a) in the prior year, including the number of special
24 events at each rating level.
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•HR 6229 IH
1 ‘‘(2) The total number of events in the prior
2 year for which the Secretary designated a Federal
3 coordinator or coordinated security and situational
4 awareness support, including a summary of Federal
5 support provided.
6 ‘‘(3) The total number of requests for special
7 event rating reassessment under subsection (b)(4),
8 including the following:
9 ‘‘(A) The identification of the requesting
10 entity.
11 ‘‘(B) The special event name, date, and lo12 cation.
13 ‘‘(C) The initial and final rating deter14 mination.
15 ‘‘(D) The justification for such final rating
16 determination.
17 ‘‘(e) PERIODIC ASSESSMENTS.—Not later than one
18 year after the date of the enactment of this section and
19 every five years thereafter, the Secretary shall submit to
20 the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of
21 Representatives and the Committee on Homeland Security
22 and Governmental Affairs of the Senate an assessment of
23 the program authorized under subsection (a).
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•HR 6229 IH
1 ‘‘(f) DEFINITION.—In this section, the term ‘home2 land security information’ has the meaning given such
3 term in section 892.’’.
4 (b) MASS GATHERING RESEARCH.—Not later than
5 one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the
6 Secretary of Homeland Security, in coordination with the
7 Undersecretary for Science and Technology of the Depart8 ment of Homeland Security and the official responsible for
9 carrying out section 890E of the Homeland Security Act
10 of 2002, as added by subsection (a), shall, to the extent
11 practicable, carry out research and development, including
12 operational testing, of technologies and techniques for en13 hancing the Department’s security and situational aware14 ness support to Federal, State, local, Tribal, and terri15 torial officials relating to mass gatherings consistent with
16 applicable constitutional, privacy, civil rights, and civil lib17 erties protections.
18 (c) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of contents
19 in section 1(b) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 is
20 amended by inserting after the item relating to section
21 890D the following new item:
‘‘Sec. 890E. Special events program.’’.

Strengthening Cyber Resilience Against State-Sponsored Threats Act: H.R. 9679

To ensure the security and integrity of United States critical infrastructure by establishing an interagency task force and requiring a comprehensive report on the targeting of United States critical infrastructure by People’s Republic of China state-sponsored cyber actors, and for other purpose.

“The term “Volt Typhoon” means the People’s Republic of China State-sponsored cyber actor described in the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency cybersecurity advisory entitled “PRC State-Sponsored Actors Compromise and Maintain Persistent Access to U.S. Critical Infrastructure”, issued on February 07, 2024, or any successor advisory.”

Introduced in House (09/24/2024)

2d Session

H. R. 9769

To ensure the security and integrity of United States critical infrastructure by establishing an interagency task force and requiring a comprehensive report on the targeting of United States critical infrastructure by People’s Republic of China state-sponsored cyber actors, and for other purposes.


September 24, 2024

Ms. Lee of Florida (for herself, Mr. Green of Tennessee, and Mr. Moolenaar) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Homeland Security


To ensure the security and integrity of United States critical infrastructure by establishing an interagency task force and requiring a comprehensive report on the targeting of United States critical infrastructure by People’s Republic of China state-sponsored cyber actors, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the “Strengthening Cyber Resilience Against State-Sponsored Threats Act”.


(a) Interagency Task Force.—Not later than 120 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security, acting through the Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) of the Department of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Attorney General, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the heads of appropriate Sector Risk Management Agencies as determined by the Director of CISA, shall establish a joint interagency task force (in this section referred to as the “task force”) to facilitate collaboration and coordination among the Sector Risk Management Agencies assigned a Federal role or responsibility in National Security Memorandum–22, issued April 30, 2024 (relating to critical infrastructure security and resilience), or any successor document, to detect, analyze, and respond to the cybersecurity threat posed by State-sponsored cyber actors, including Volt Typhoon, of the People’s Republic of China by ensuring that such agencies’ actions are aligned and mutually reinforcing.

(b) Chairs.—

(1) CHAIRPERSON.—The Director of CISA (or the Director of CISA’s designee) shall serve as the chairperson of the task force.

(2) VICE CHAIRPERSON.—The Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (or such Director’s designee) shall serve as the vice chairperson of the task force.

(c) Composition.—

(1) IN GENERAL.—The task force shall consist of appropriate representatives of the departments and agencies specified in subsection (a).

(2) QUALIFICATIONS.—To materially assist in the activities of the task force, representatives under paragraph (1) should be subject matter experts who have familiarity and technical expertise regarding cybersecurity, digital forensics, or threat intelligence analysis, or in-depth knowledge of the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) commonly used by State-sponsored cyber actors, including Volt Typhoon, of the People’s Republic of China.

(d) Vacancy.—Any vacancy occurring in the membership of the task force shall be filled in the same manner in which the original appointment was made.

(e) Establishment Flexibility.—To avoid redundancy, the task force may coordinate with any preexisting task force, working group, or cross-intelligence effort within the Homeland Security Enterprise or the intelligence community that has examined or responded to the cybersecurity threat posed by State-sponsored cyber actors, including Volt Typhoon, of the People’s Republic of China.

(f) Task Force Reports; Briefing.—

(1) INITIAL REPORT.—Not later than 540 days after the establishment of the task force, the task force shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees the first report containing the initial findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the task force.

(2) ANNUAL REPORT.—Not later than one year after the date of the submission of the initial report under paragraph (1) and annually thereafter for five years, the task force shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees an annual report containing the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the task force.

(3) CONTENTS.—The reports under this subsection shall include the following:

(A) An assessment at the lowest classification feasible of the sector-specific risks, trends relating to incidents impacting sectors, and tactics, techniques, and procedures utilized by or relating to State-sponsored cyber actors, including Volt Typhoon, of the People’s Republic of China.

(B) An assessment of additional resources and authorities needed by Federal departments and agencies to better counter the cybersecurity threat posed by State-sponsored cyber actors, including Volt Typhoon, of the People’s Republic of China.

(C) A classified assessment of the extent of potential destruction, compromise, or disruption to United States critical infrastructure by State-sponsored cyber actors, including Volt Typhoon, of the People’s Republic of China in the event of a major crisis or future conflict between the People’s Republic of China and the United States.

(D) A classified assessment of the ability of the United States to counter the cybersecurity threat posed by State-sponsored cyber actors, including Volt Typhoon, of the People’s Republic of China in the event of a major crisis or future conflict between the People’s Republic of China and the United States, including with respect to different cybersecurity measures and recommendations that could mitigate such a threat.

(E) A classified assessment of the ability of State-sponsored cyber actors, including Volt Typhoon, of the People’s Republic of China to disrupt operations of the United States Armed Forces by hindering mobility across critical infrastructure such as rail, aviation, and ports, including how such would impair the ability of the United States Armed Forces to deploy and maneuver forces effectively.

(F) A classified assessment of the economic and social ramifications of a disruption to one or multiple United States critical infrastructure sectors by State-sponsored cyber actors, including Volt Typhoon, of the People’s Republic of China in the event of a major crisis or future conflict between the People’s Republic of China and the United States.

(G) Such recommendations as the task force may have for the Homeland Security Enterprise, the intelligence community, or critical infrastructure owners and operators to improve the detection and mitigation of the cybersecurity threat posed by State-sponsored cyber actors, including Volt Typhoon, of the People’s Republic of China.

(H) A one-time plan for an awareness campaign to familiarize critical infrastructure owners and operators with security resources and support offered by Federal departments and agencies to mitigate the cybersecurity threat posed by State-sponsored cyber actors, including Volt Typhoon, of the People’s Republic of China.

(4) BRIEFING.—Not later than 30 days after the date of the submission of each report under this subsection, the task force shall provide to the appropriate congressional committees a classified briefing on the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the task force.

(5) FORM.—Each report under this subsection shall be submitted in classified form, consistent with the protection of intelligence sources and methods, but may include an unclassified executive summary.

(6) PUBLICATION.—The unclassified executive summary of each report required under this subsection shall be published on a publicly accessible website of the Department of Homeland Security.

(g) Access To Information.—

(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Homeland Security, the Director of CISA, the Attorney General, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the heads of appropriate Sector Risk Management Agencies, as determined by the Director of CISA, shall provide to the task force such information, documents, analysis, assessments, findings, evaluations, inspections, audits, or reviews relating to efforts to counter the cybersecurity threat posed by State-sponsored cyber actors, including Volt Typhoon, of the People’s Republic of China as the task force considers necessary to carry out this section.

(2) RECEIPT, HANDLING, STORAGE, AND DISSEMINATION.—Information, documents, analysis, assessments, findings, evaluations, inspections, audits, and reviews described in this subsection shall be received, handled, stored, and disseminated only by members of the task force consistent with all applicable statutes, regulations, and executive orders.

(3) SECURITY CLEARANCES FOR TASK FORCE MEMBERS.—No member of the task force may be provided with access to classified information under this section without the appropriate security clearances.

(h) Termination.—The task force, and all the authorities of this section, shall terminate on the date that is 60 days after the final briefing required under subsection (h)(4).

(i) Exemption From FACA.—Chapter 10 of title 5, United States Code (commonly referred to as the “Federal Advisory Committee Act”), shall not apply to the task force.

(j) Exemption From Paperwork Reduction Act.—Chapter 35 of title 44, United States Code (commonly known as the “Paperwork Reduction Act”), shall not apply to the task force.

(k) Definitions.—In this section:

(1) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEES.—The term “appropriate congressional committees” means—

(A) the Committee on Homeland Security, the Committee on Judiciary, and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives; and

(B) the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, the Committee on Judiciary, and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate.

(2) ASSETS.—The term “assets” means a person, structure, facility, information, material, equipment, network, or process, whether physical or virtual, that enables an organization’s services, functions, or capabilities.

(3) CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE.—The term “critical infrastructure” has the meaning given such term in section 1016(e) of Public Law 107–56 (42 U.S.C. 5195c(e)).

(4) CYBERSECURITY THREAT.—The term “cybersecurity threat” has the meaning given such term in section 2200 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 650).

(5) HOMELAND SECURITY ENTERPRISE.—The term “Homeland Security Enterprise” has the meaning given such term in section 2200 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 650).

(6) INCIDENT.—The term “incident” has the meaning given such term in section 2200 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 650).

(7) INFORMATION SHARING.—The term “information sharing” means the bidirectional sharing of timely and relevant information concerning a cybersecurity threat posed by a State-sponsored cyber actor of the People’s Republic of China to United States critical infrastructure.

(8) INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY.—The term “intelligence community” has the meaning given such term in section 3(4) of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3003(4)).

(9) LOCALITY.—The term “locality” means any local government authority or agency or component thereof within a State having jurisdiction over matters at a county, municipal, or other local government level.

(10) SECTOR.—The term “sector” means a collection of assets, systems, networks, entities, or organizations that provide or enable a common function for national security (including national defense and continuity of Government), national economic security, national public health or safety, or any combination thereof.

(11) SECTOR RISK MANAGEMENT AGENCY.—The term “Sector Risk Management Agency” has the meaning given such term in section 2200 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 650).

(12) STATE.—The term “State” means any State of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, the United States Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and any other territory or possession of the United States.

(13) SYSTEMS.—The term “systems” means a combination of personnel, structures, facilities, information, materials, equipment, networks, or processes, whether physical or virtual, integrated or interconnected for a specific purpose that enables an organization’s services, functions, or capabilities.

(14) UNITED STATES.—The term “United States”, when used in a geographic sense, means any State of the United States.

(15) VOLT TYPHOON.—The term “Volt Typhoon” means the People’s Republic of China State-sponsored cyber actor described in the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency cybersecurity advisory entitled “PRC State-Sponsored Actors Compromise and Maintain Persistent Access to U.S. Critical Infrastructure”, issued on February 07, 2024, or any successor advisory.

Bills for the Week of Dec. 9, 2024

First Published: December 3, 2024 at 06:58 PMLast Updated: December 7, 2024 at 05:43 PM

The following are links to the text of legislation scheduled for consideration during the week of Dec. 9, 2024. For the complete schedule, please visit the Majority Leader’s site.

Items that may be considered under suspension of the rules

H.R. 2892WARN Act, as amended[PDF]
S. 310Disaster Contract Improvement Act[PDF]
H.R. 2672FEMA Loan Interest Payment Relief Act, as amended[PDF] [PDF]
Updated 12/06/2024 at 02:48 PM
S. 1478To designate United States Route 20 in the States of Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, and Massachusetts as the “National Medal of Honor Highway”, and for other purposes[PDF]
H.R. 8689Amtrak Executive Bonus Disclosure Act, as amended[PDF]
H.R. 8692The Amtrak Transparency and Accountability for Passengers and Taxpayer Act, as amended[PDF]
S. 3613Improving Federal Building Security Act of 2024[PDF]
S. 50Pensacola and Perdido Bays Estuary of National Significance Act of 2024[PDF]
H.R. 7671Disaster Management Costs Modernization Act[PDF]
S. 3475Strengthening the Commercial Driver’s License Information System Act[PDF]
H.R. 9541POWER Act of 2024[PDF]
S. 2781Good Samaritan Remediation of Abandoned Hardrock Mines Act of 2024[PDF]
H.R. 9769Strengthening Cyber Resilience Against State-Sponsored Threats Act[PDF]
H.R. 9689DHS Cybersecurity Internship Program Act[PDF]
H.R. 6229DHS Special Events Program and Support Act[PDF]
H.R. 7365VETS Safe Travel Act, as amended[PDF]
H.R. 9668SHIELD Against CCP Act, as amended[PDF] [PDF]
Updated 12/06/2024 at 04:51 PM
H.R. 9716Increasing Baseline Updates Act[PDF]
S. 4367Thomas R. Carper Water Resources Development Act of 2024, as amended[PDF] [PDF]
Added 12/03/2024 at 08:12 PMUpdated 12/06/2024 at 07:05 PM
Technical corrections
H.R. 8753To direct the United States Postal Service to designate single, unique ZIP Codes for certain communities, and for other purposes, as amended[PDF] [PDF]
Added 12/04/2024 at 07:45 PMUpdated 12/06/2024 at 04:51 PM

Items that may be considered pursuant to a rule

H.R. 7673Liberty in Laundry Act[PDF] [XML]
Added 12/05/2024 at 03:41 PM
:: H. Rept. 118-454 – Report from the Committee on Energy and Commerce to accompany H.R. 7673[PDF]Added 12/05/2024 at 03:41 PM
S. 4199Judicial Understaffing Delays Getting Emergencies Solved Act of 2024[PDF] [XML]
Added 12/05/2024 at 03:41 PM
Senate Amendment to H.R. 5009WILD Act [Servicemember Quality of Life Improvement and National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025][PDF] [XML]
Added 12/07/2024 at 05:43 PM
:: Rules Committee Print 118-52 – Showing the text of the Servicemember Quality of Life Improvement and National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025[PDF]Added 12/07/2024 at 05:43 PM:: Joint Explanatory Statement[PDF]Added 12/07/2024 at 05:43 PM