11/14/2024 H.R. 10120 To nullify certain interagency guidance related to climate-related financial risk management for large financial institutions.
11/14/2024 H.R. 10121 Youth Climate Leadership Act of 2024
11/14/2024 H.R. 10122 Developing America’s Workforce Act
11/14/2024 H.R. 10123 To establish an interagency committee to harmonize regulatory regimes in the United States relating to cybersecurity, and for other purposes…
11/14/2024 H.R. 10124 To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to establish and administer a pilot program to provide grants to support Food is Medicine programs, a…
11/14/2024 H.R. 10125 AI Fraud Deterrence Act
11/14/2024 H.R. 10126 Public Health Funding Restoration Act
11/14/2024 H.R. 10127 To suspend normal trade relations with the People’s Republic of China and to increase the rates of duty applicable with respect to articles …
11/14/2024 H.R. 10128 Court Improvement Equity Act
11/14/2024 H.R. 10129 To direct the Secretary of Defense to establish a pilot program regarding treating pregnancy as a qualifying event for enrollment in TRICARE…
11/14/2024 H.R. 10130 FEMA for America First Act of 2024
11/14/2024 H. Con. Res. 132 Expressing support for the designation of the week of November 11 through November 17, 2024, as “National Caregiving Youth Week” to raise aw…
11/14/2024 H. Res. 1570 Reaffirming the validity and applicability of the Twenty-second Amendment.
11/14/2024 H. Res. 1571 Supporting the recognition of November as “National Bread Month” and celebrating bread as a nutritious, affordable, and culturally significa…
11/14/2024 H. Res. 1572 Honoring the selfless acts of adoption, fostering, and unconditional love by Bishop W.C. Martin, First Lady Donna Martin, and the Bennett Ch…
11/14/2024 H. Res. 1573 Establishing the Select Committee on Electoral Reform.
11/13/2024 H.R. 10117 Targeting Environmental and Climate Recklessness Act of 2024
11/13/2024 H.R. 10118 FTC Whistleblower Act of 2024
11/13/2024 H.R. 10119 SBA IT Modernization Reform Act of 2024
11/13/2024 H.J. Res. 219 Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Health an…
11/13/2024 H.J. Res. 220 Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Bureau of Consumer Fina…
11/12/2024 H.R. 10111 UAP Whistleblower Protection Act
11/12/2024 H.R. 10112 CAP Act of 2024
11/12/2024 H.R. 10113 South Texas Agriculture Emergency Assistance Act
11/12/2024 H.R. 10114 To amend the Aquifer Recharge Flexibility Act to clarify a provision relating to conveyances for aquifer recharge purposes.
11/12/2024 H.R. 10115 Child Care for Small Businesses Act
11/12/2024 H.R. 10116 To direct the Secretary of Interior to submit to Congress a report on the National Park Service’s interpretation and application of the Stan…
11/12/2024 H.J. Res. 218 Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Energy re…
11/12/2024 H. Res. 1568 Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 8932) to establish an earlier application processing cycle for the FAFSA; providing for consid…
11/12/2024 H. Res. 1569 Expressing support for the designation of the week beginning on November 11, 2024, as “National School Psychology Week”.