ensuring a safe and healthy climate for future generations, and thus
to restoring the climate
“…the urgent action needed to restore a safe climate
is consistent with H. Res. 975, introduced in 2022, and
H. Res. 259, introduced in 2023, which are resolutions
that recognize the mental health impacts of recurrent climate-related disasters on youth, a group especially vulnerable to the physical and mental health impacts of climate-related disasters, and the far greater suffering
young people and future generations will endure if the
climate continues to worsen; and
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•HRES 1563 IH
Whereas, on July 3, 2023, the California Senate passed SR–
34, becoming the first State to pass a resolution formally
recognizing an obligation to future generations to restore
the atmospheric CO2 concentration to a safe level, below
300 ppm, and calling for action by the Federal Government, in the form of an international climate treaty, to
restore and stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations as a
common climate goal: Now, therefore, be it. ,,,”